フルHD i7-620M RAID0のQuad SSD GT330M搭載で1.43KgのVAIO登場?
VAIO Z、フルHD i7-620M RAID0のQuad SSD GT330M搭載で1.43Kgの化け物−ニュース速報板
1 名前: ダーマトグラフ(中部地方)[sage] 投稿日:2010/01/19(火) 20:34:26.00 id:D8GqYExp ?PLT(12212) ポイント特典
Announced at CES with a "late Spring" availability, we just got word that the Core i7-620M pumpin'
VAIO Z series from Sony will be hitting Europe in late March. The Z's biggest claim to fame is its
ultra-fast Quad SSD, a rather unique Sony innovation that writes data in parallel to four SSDs (up to
256GB total capacity in RAID 0) at speeds up to 6.2x faster than typical 5400 rpm laptop hard disks.
Sony also fits the Z with a hybrid graphics solution that combines 1GB of NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M
with Intel HD graphics allowing you to automatically (or manually) switch between "speed" and
"stamina" modes... presumably without requiring a logout if we're reading "dynamic" correctly.
Rounding out the specs are 6GB of DDR3 SDRAM, 802.11n WiFi, integrated optical drive, and
optional VAIO Everywair 3G mobile broadband module all stuffed into this 13.1-inch laptop with 1
920 x 1080 pixel LED backlit display with 210 x 23.8-32.7 x 314mm and 1.43kg footprint. Power AND
portability? Come give us a hug Sony.ttp://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2010/01/z-press-release-image-exploding-1263898086.jpg
[http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1263900866/70:title=70 名前: ダーマトグラフ(中部地方)[] 投稿日:2010/01/19(火) 20:58:52.75 id:D8GqYExp ?PLT(12212)]
Intel Core i7-620M 2.66GHz with Turbo Boost Technology (max. 3.33 GHz)
6GB DDR3 SDRAM (1066 MHz)
Quad SSD (RAID 0) 256GB
33.3cm (13.1”) 16:9 VAIO Display Premium (1920x1080) with LED backlight
NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M GPU + Intel? HD Graphics with 1GBB GDDR3 VRAM
1.43kg (with supplied battery);
210 x 23.8-32.7 x 314 mm (D x H x W)
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n; VAIO Everywair WWAN; Bluetooth 2.1+EDR; keyboard backlight;
MOTION EYE camera; HDMI out; VAIO/Assist buttons; fingerprint reader; black finish
Intel Core i7-520M 2.4GHz with Turbo Boost Technology (max. 2.93 GHz)
4GB DDR3 SDRAM (1066 MHz)
Quad SSD (RAID 0) 128GB
1.41kg (with supplied battery);
210 x 23.8-32.7 x 314 mm (D x H x W)
WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n; VAIO Everywair WWAN; Bluetooth 2.1+EDR; keyboard backlight;
MOTION EYE camera; HDMI out; VAIO/Assist buttons; black finish
SONY VAIO Z part34
665 名前:Fn+名無しさん sage 投稿日:2010/01/19(火) 18:52:32 ID:EHeGc5pv
キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚)━( )━( )━(゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
665 SONY EUROPE クアッドSSDのRAID0にフルHD(1920x10...
├669 >>665 なんじゃこりゃぁ!!!! 40万でも50万でも買うしか...
├671 >>665 マジッスカー! (;゚Д゚)ズガーン
├672 >>665すげーwローン組んででもぜってーほしい
├678 >>665 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
├679 >>665 VPCZ11Z9Eの光学ドライブがDVDになってるけど、これ...
├704 >>665 ここのソースは信頼できるの?
│├705 >>704 ソースもなにも ソニーヨーロッパ公式発表のプレスリリー...
││└707 >>705 えっマジですか * + 巛 ヽ...
│└706 >>704 いやいや、URLみようよ
├712 んだよどうせ発表きてねぇんだろ お前らの妄想で無駄にスレ伸ばしてんじゃね...
├742 >>665 きゃああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ...
│└746 >>742 ワロタ 救護班〜
├745 >>665 はいはいまたアンチFull HD厨 VS Full HD...
└802 >>665 70万用意した。かかってこいや
VAIO Zなら国内にも登場すると思われますが、正式発表を待つ必要がありそうですね。